Our mission

About us

Postcode Ukraine is a hybrid art and humanitarian aid project that directly helps Ukrainians worst affected by the war.  We deliver aid directly and, as a charity of charities, provide grant funding to affiliated charities and volunteer groups embedded in local communities for reconstruction, evacuation, and  refugee support

projects, delivering humanitarian aid where it is most needed.

The charity was founded by Kyiv-based British artist Mark Neville in 2022.  Mark now sees aid work and his art practice as symbiotic, often making photographs and films during the charity’s trips to frontline towns. The aim is to position the artwork in resonant contexts internationally and communicate the reality of life inside Ukraine, to create understanding and empathy, garner support, and raise global awareness.

“It’s absolutely shocking as we travel around Ukraine. We see that schools have been deliberately targeted: Schools, museums and kindergartens,” he says. “It really hits you that this is a genocide. The aim of the Kremlin is to wipe out the Ukrainian nation.

Neville says that he’ll often go to a small village and find young people sitting outside in a field at a time when they should be in school. “But there’s no school left,”.

Mark Neville, Founder Postcode Ukraine

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Charity Organisation Charity Fund ‘Postcode Ukraine”
Charity Registration Number: 44801977

Postcode Ukraine

Supports small charities and volunteer groups in Ukraine to deliver humanitarian aid where it is the most needed.

Our team


Mark Neville
Director and co-founder
Chrissy Jay
Valeriia Stepenna
Chief Accountant
Yuliia Kuznetsova
Charity Liaison Manager
Lets talk
01001, Ukraine, Kyiv
All photographs copyright the artist Mark Neville